Safeguard 12 UV bulb
Keeps my air free of mold,pollen etc. I like that idea I can a 2year bulb. Mary Ann Clancy
This SafeGuard Bulb is an Original OEM SafeGuard UV Cleanser™ 12 inch replacement lamp. Certified SafeGuard™ bulbs are compatible with any Safeguard UV Cleanser™ or Knight Light Coil Cleanser, limited space applications sometimes require shorter bulbs. To maintain maximum effective performance, SafeGuard bulbs must be replaced annually.
For added value , SafeGuard offers 2 year Replacement Lamps.
Effective Life: 12,000 Hours
Warranty: 1 Year Warranty pro-rated after 90 days
EPA Estblishment Number 96244-CA-1
Keeps my air free of mold,pollen etc. I like that idea I can a 2year bulb. Mary Ann Clancy
This bulb lasts about 2 years. Good value for the price. Elizabeth Anne Pettit
This bulb lasts about 2 years. Good value for the price. Elizabeth Anne Pettit
I was having to pay $150 for the bulb from our air conditioner man! Finally made the tech give me the container of the bulb he had installed in the unit. Found these people on the internet. Was the best decision I ever made. Works like a Gem!!! Elizabeth Anne Pettit